While none of us like to think of the worst; health issues and death happen so it’s essential we plan to protect you and your family. Typically, insurance policies are term-based to sit in line with your repayment mortgage or a set period of time, perhaps for a life event, however you could also have a whole of life policy. Our advisors are trained to offer advice on any of these products.
A term based product means that your policy will expire after a certain period of time, i.e. Mortgage term or perhaps dependant(s) coming of age and being financially responsible for themselves and a pay out is made if you pass away during this time. While a more expensive option, a whole of life policy will last until you pass away (guaranteeing a payout).
All our Breakthrough Mortgages and Financial Services Advisors are qualified to recommend and put in place protection policies for your peace of mind. While this advice is specialist, we are pleased to confirm we do not charge for this service as all renumeration comes direct from the insurers so contact us today to discuss your needs and options.